


Here, I gather works created for extraordinary partners. Throughout my professional journey, I've been shaping my vision and skills to meet market demands, and I take on the responsibility of creating layouts, creative concepts, and dynamic motion designs to make your campaign stand out.
Let's talk and discover together how we can boost your campaign!

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motIon and
cREaTIve works, why not?!

Ana Couto


Here are some projects carried out in partnership with Ana Couto Branding, a Rio-based agency responsible for the branding of major brands, where I was able to contribute creatively. I was responsible for the art direction of the following pieces, working together with Ana Couto's creative team.



I had the opportunity to work in partnership with AMARO, an innovative store in the way it sells its products, with a physical showroom in São Paulo's economic center and an additional advantage: online purchases delivered within 2 hours within Greater São Paulo.
I was able to create videowalls and social media pieces for the brand's seasonal change campaigns, which have a very clean and elegant visual style.

Creative Shop FB

Social Performance

I participated in branding activities, utilizing the war room method to manage and execute 8-hour creative sprints. The goal was to adapt TV and OOH campaigns for social media, increasing campaign reach through derivatives and application in conversion funnels. This provided more traction for brands receiving exclusive consultancy from the brand for major media space buyers.

Hi there! I'm Jota Sebah, a multidisciplinary creative passionate about visually storytelling and elevating brands through innovative design.

If you're seeking the expertise to develop art direction, motion design, and creative direction projects, I'm ready to collaborate with you and create something amazing!

for your


+55 11 989 304 762